Below, you will find a list of the questions most frequently asked by our guests.


Questions & Answers

Check-in time?

The check-in time is after 2 p.m. Let us know your arrival time in case you schedule and early check in we’ll do our best to have your room available.

Check-out time?

The check-out time is before 12pm. If you plan a late check out kindly let us know your departure time, we’ll our best to satisfy your needs.

Is Reception open 24 hours?

Yes, Reception service is available 24 hours.

Which languages are spoken at Reception?

English, Turkish, Russian.

Can I leave my luggage?

Yes,luggage room is available. Please see reception fore more information.

Internet connection?

A free wireless internet connection is available general area of the hotel.

Which is the nearest airport?

The nearest airport is Dalaman airport which is located around 90 km away.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us!

Or call +90 252 211 4123

Check Availabity

1 Room , 1 Adult , 0 Children